NEOFIN ASESORES is the result of illusion and dedication. A young but experienced company, with ambition, and oriented to the provision of Advisory Services to COMPANIES and to PARTICULARS, in the financial, legal, accounting, tax, labour, insurance broker and in the purchase and renting of properties.

Located in the heart of Benidorm, you can find us in our premises in Calle Rioja, 1, Local 4, where we can assist you in our professional office.

  • Asesores Benidorm
  • Asesoria Benidorm
  • Asesoria fiscal Benidorm

In these present times and with the current situation, we wish to offer you the best advice with TRANSPARENCY, TRUST and EFFICIENCY, looking for the best market conditions in all areas.

We have agreements with the best banks to offer the best terms available, both in fixed-term deposits, investment funds, mortgages, personal loans and credits.

We have our Integral Consultancy to Companies, in matters of Tax, Labour and Accounting Counselling.

We also have the defence of the best lawyers in the area, being the head of our office Jaime Pérez, member of the Bar Association of Alicante number 7445.

We manage any type of Insurance, quoting with first level companies, insurance for SMEs, Civil Responsibility, Vehicles, Home, etc.

We stand out for having the best properties at the best prices for sale and rent, from private individuals, banks, bankruptcy proceedings and auctions.

This is a brief summary of what NEOFIN ASESORES can do for you!!!!!!! We wait for you!!!!

Our team

  • Jaime Pérez Asesoría Gestoría Benidorm
    Jaime Pérez
    Collegiate nº 7445
  • Asesoramiento fiscal y contable Benidorm
    Javier Fernández
    Responsible for Financing, Negotiations and investments
  • Responsable Arquitecto Asesoría gestoría Benidorm
    Esperanza Corrales Gil
    Collegiate nº 3202
    Technical architect

  • Sibrina Chereji 

    Collegiate nº 1924
  • Asesoria Laboral Benidorm
    Soraya García
    Tax, Accounting and Labor Department
  • Juan Carlos Rubio Larrosa Asesoría Gestoría Benidorm
    Juan Carlos Rubio Larrosa
    Tax, Accounting and Labor Department
  • Nicole Carrillo Asesoría gestoría La marina baixa
    Nicole Carrillo
    Tax, Accounting and Labor Department
  • Monica Samaniego Asesoría Gestoría Benidorm
    Mónica Samaniego
    Collegiate nº 8384 Lawyer
  • Marta Cesar del Valle Asesoría gestoría La marina baixa
    Marta Cesar del Valle
    Organization Manager